Hi, What is the format of the encrypted payment instrument while giving input to the provision token with PAN ( API)? Is this a JSON that needs to be used to make a JWE or a delim...
Hi!Is there any documentation on mVisa android sdk(1.8,0) or maybe sample app? SDK archive contains only aar library without comments, so it's not very clear Kind Regards,...
Hi Guys, I'm facing an issue with regards to the Visa Checkout button on SPA environments. I found that the VCO SDK only binds elements thas is already loaded on the page searching by the v-...
Hello, I'm trying the second use case from https://developer.visa.com/vdpguide?next=get-started-overview Getting Started GuideTesting X-Pay-Token Connectivity Using SOAPUII'm gett...
Hi, I have setup and connected to the ATM Locator API. I can make requests and receive responses just fine, however, all of the results from the API are around 50-80 miles from the search lo...