We are currently enabling Transaction Controls and it states that Alert Delivery is "Coming Soon". We are assuming this will not be ready in time for our release and will need to use the Notific...
hello community, We are implementing mVisa and have been asked to generate a certificate chain from a trusted CA to setup Mutual SSL Authentication.My question is: how and where do we get this ce...
Hello,I have a question regarding the MerchantPushPayments GET message.The MerchantPushPayments GET message requires the statusIdentifier field which is obtained from the response of the MerchantPushP...
Hello, I have tried contacting merchants provided on the visa website but none seem to know what the visa direct program is. I am hoping to find a licensed Visa Direct acquirer that can sponsor m...
Do some sandbox testing and I was able to submit requests through the Cybersource API, I'm not sure which JSON object to pass to consume the "Create a Sales Transaction" method, I understand that this...