Hello Visa Team I'm trying to get reports from https://sandbox.api.visa.com/visadirect/reports/v1/transactiondataand get HTTP 400 and "From date is not allowed to query data. Please select a...
Hi, We are trying to set up/integrate the VISA cybersource API into our app. It keeps showing this red/amber sign saying it has failed, have any of you experinced this? Please help. Regards,...
Hi, I am trying to call VOP Enroll service using Postman. But I am getting the below error everytime.Error{"status": 403,"reason": "AUTHENTICATION_ERROR","message": "Access Denied. Please consult...
Whenever user enrollment for VCO sandbox account, the newUser flag is not returned in response. Instead it returns visaCheckoutGuest as true. How to identify the new user & existing user?&nb...