Hi, The quote in the subject is from the Visa Direct API overview : it is not clear, form the information provoided, what makes a third party eligible.pleasse provide the q...
Hi I am building a mobile app which requires following 2 features:1) Abiity for use to register a VISA card.2) Once registered, my application should be able to retrieve all transactions that may...
Hello,I am trying to use the Get Payment Data API.So far I have been able toregister, create an App and get xpay token and select APIscreate a profile and a demo page with visa checkout button,get a c...
Hi!I've set up the PHP sample codes and I'm trying to use the PullFundsTransaction GET. But I don't know where the statusIdentifier comes from. The docs just says it's required. ...
Hi! Please help me to understand few things:1) How long does it take to register merchant account?2) How will I connect bank account with merchant account?3) Is merchant able to send money from h...