Hello. I am new in visa api. Please answer me which api i should use for receive information payment transaction ? How i can select on which card will be happen payment ?...
Hi!I've been trying the Funds Transfer API. However I'm always getting error 403.I've encoded my userid and password using base64 encoding. I'm wondering what's wrong.Screenshot is attached.Thanks in...
Hi, I have created sandbox api, the p12 cert was generated, jks file was imported, and the test is passed in SOAPUI, everything done. But when I created a application to send tes...
Hi, I'm looking for information on transaction costs and related fees for utilizing VISA Direct. I'm performing a financial feasibility and am not using the API for protoyping at this...
Hi, I am following 'Getting Started guide' and trying 'helloworld' soapUi tutorial using Shared Key mechanism. I have created an app in my acc and got keys. My URL is http://sandbox.api...