Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

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ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries



In our solution we are trying to use the ATMs Inquiry endpoint from Visa Global ATM Locator API. Our Visa app is already in Production mode; we already prepared Prod credentials in the Visa dashboard and a Visa representative person we are talking to also confirmed, that app is live and in prod mode. However, we are still struggling with the following problem:


Using the ATMs Inquiry endpoint we want to get ATMs based on geo coordinates within a specific radius. On the 1st request, API does return a total number of ATMs, lets say - 500 entries. API doesn't return all of them at once, ok, but it provides a possibility to do a paging: asking for next N entries started from X position (element 'range' in request body). But the problem is, that only first 100 of entries returned properly. API doesn't return entries if start position is more or equal to 100, but return the error with code CDIS203 and message: "Visa ATM Locator Svc-Failure (Empty Response Received from GMR)". More of that: if start position will be set to 99, the API returns only 1 entry. What this error means we don't know; we weren't able to find an explanation for it yet. Why it does happen - also not clear. And it happens for different coordinates (cities); we've tried 5 pair of them.


Could someone be able to help us? Thank you in advance!

Community Moderator

Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

 We appreciate you bringing this to our attention, agent_techhub

. We have let our team know and an agent will follow up with any information. -Cathy

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

Hi @agent_techhub,


Which environment are you getting this error in (e.g. sandbox or production)? If you're experiencing an error in the Production environment, please reach out to our Post Production Support Team or Implementation Manager, as they will be able to provide you with dedicated support on the error. If you cannot find their contact information in an email that was sent to you by Visa, please contact for further assistance. 


If you're receiving this error in sandbox than this is expected because we have very limited data to test in the sandbox for the Visa Global ATM Locator API. Null response is not an error , this is expected due to lack of data. 



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Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

Hi Diana,


We are using production environment; I thought it was clear from my original question. How can we reach somebody from your Post Production Support Team or Implementation Manager? We don't have such information in the emails we've received so far.. Could you provide us with such info or somehow forward our question (this topic) to them? Our customer is really eagerly waiting a working solution, which we cannot provide because of this issues.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

Hi @agent_techhub,


Please confirm if you are currently communicating with Sean, one of our Visa representatives, to fix the issue. If Sean has been assigned to fix this issue, please continue to work with Sean. If you currently are not working with any Visa representative to fix the issue, please submit your issue using email to  Please let me know of any questions.



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Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

HI Diana,


I can confirm, that we are communicating with Sean, but I don't know if he is assigned to it. Back in December 2021, he answered to one of our mail, but then nothing more. However yesterday he sent a mail with a notice, that he with team does work in on the issue.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: ATMs Inquiry doesn't return more than 100 entries

Hi @agent_techhub,


I did see an email thread with you and Sean regarding this issue. Please continue to work with Sean as he is working with our team to get an answer for you.  



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