Doing a VCO integration where the action being done is add card. The VCO 4.3 guide I've got is inconsistent with the corressponding android guide.
We've got our android build working perfectly, but iOS is choking on the view controller components, after following the VCO guide's instructions, I'm still not able to resolve the problem.
As far as I can tell I can get the VCO button to appear on xcode simulator or device, but it immidiately greys-out after a quick moment. Either get that or error "1947" if I play with the Payment info settings.
Can someone explain what's required for the paymentInfo & merchant info objects? Is there some other known issue that causes this?
Thanks in advance. attached is the error I get if I don't set the externalProfileId to "defualt", but if I do set it to default, it gives error 1947.
Solved! Go to Solution
Hi Matt,
Looks like you may have a problem with your implementation API Key.
I am going to connect you with our VCO support reps. Please email them at so they can look further into your issue.
Was able to solve my problem, CFBundleDisplayName in info.plist needed to be set to some value for the VCO Sdk to work.
I have multiple targets and multiple info.plist's, so you have to make sure its set for each. For others that have this problem, note that CFBundleDisplayName is different then CFBundleName.
That's great Matt! Thank you for sharing.