I want to implement “General Attributes Inquiry API” with PCI compliance in my application. I have gone through the "Visa Card Eligibility iFrame API" documentation and successfully implemented Token Generation procedure, now issue is how to call iFrame on base of this token so that I can avoid PCI compliance issue. There is no guideline in the documents.
Also if you could send me some C# (C-Sharp) sample code for iframe implementation, i shell be very thankful to you.
Hi Ateeq,
The iFrame access URLs in sandbox environment is: Sanbox: https://vcescert.visammg.com/VCESIFrameSbx/?Token={1}&Lang={2}
Please try this URL and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Hi Vaibhav,
Thank you so very much for the link, I have successfully loaded the iframe. When I pass any 16 digits to the fileds provided by the iframe it gives me the message “You have completed iFrame Integration test.”
Now I have two questions
Kind Regards,
Hi Ateeq,
Thank you for your patience. Below is my inline respionses:
How to set eligibility criteria & pass the pre-define URL to the VCES where it will redirect after validation. Once the merchant is ready to move to CTE, we can work you.
How to call the “ValidateResult” operation I am unable to find this method in the documentation.
This is the get validation status operation documented here: https://developer.visa.com/capabilities/vces/reference#vces__visa_card_eligibility_iframe__v1__get_v...
Thank you,
Hi Vaibhav,
Before moving to CTE can't we get dummy response when we pass PAN to ifram like we are getting from other APIs e-g paai(we get response in JSON format), so that we can setup and test our environment before moving to production side.
Hi Ateeq,
You can create the project by seleting VCES API and you can start testing in Sandbox. If you just want to use VCES iFrame API and want to remove other VCES API, you can delete it from your project dashboard summary page drop down section.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you,