Our company is a current consumer of the Visa Personal Payments Legacy APIs. What is the End of Life Date for these APIs?
Can you please provide me the project name that you created which has Visa Personal Payments API. In addition, can you please let me know if you worked with any Visa Representative and/or if you have a relationship with Visa.
Thank you,
The company for which I work has a relationship with Visa. Our applications integrate with VPP APIs in current state. I have posed that question as well to our Business Point of Contact with Visa but such responses have built in latency.
Hi @burnsk6,
Thank you for the update. If you do not hear back from your business point of contact by early next week, please send me an email at Developer@visa.com. I will get you in touch with them. Also when you send me an email, could you provide me the following information.
Project(App) Name
Email id
Business Point of Contact name at Visa
Thank you,