Re: Generating Time Out case

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Generating Time Out case

I am using MerchantPushPayment API, I want to generate a case of timeout in which Visa will respond with 202 and statusIdentifier, so that I can use GET API to get the status of the transaction, is there a possibility to test it here ?

Community Moderator

Re: Generating Time Out case

Hello @saadsiddiqui


I am working on the inquiry, i will get back to you soon. 


Thank you, 


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Re: Generating Time Out case




This is an optional variable.

Elapsed time in milliseconds (ms) in which an API will respond back. If no value is specified then it defaults to 30000 ms (i.e. 30 seconds), which is the maximum value allowed. If the set value is greater than the maximum value then timeout will not occur. The API will respond with HTTP 202 ACCEPTED if the processing has not yet completed. If the processing completes within the designated timeout period, then the API will return HTTP 200 OK and the XML- or JSON-formatted response, based on the Content-Type value.

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Re: Generating Time Out case

it's miles feasible to finish such challenge using an execution extension. The idea right here is to apply a timer this is started out before each test execution and if the time restriction isn't hit - to be restarted after the check. If the time restriction is hit - related to the check methods are killed and the execution retain with the following test. try to create such extension and to modify the code attached here to your case.

since you are using as CI - Jenkins and walking your check in command line - to preserve the consequences a prior to the check that is failing using an ArtOfTest.Runner alternative persistOnEachStep="authentic".

allow me know whether the proposed answer helps.