Re: Visa Check Out error 423

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Visa Check Out error 423

Hi, I have been trying to use the visa checkout on our website with the test sandbox and when the popup window asking for my email pop out, I keep reciving this message:



You’ve been temporarily locked out

{"responseStatus":{"status":423,"code":"VMG-00230","severity":"ERROR","message":"Your device is disabled at this time","info":""}}
V.init( {
  apikey: "",
  encryptionKey: "",
		currencyCode: "USD",
    subtotal: "11.00"
V.on("payment.success", function(payment)
  {alert(JSON.stringify(payment)); });
V.on("payment.cancel", function(payment)
  {alert(JSON.stringify(payment)); });
V.on("payment.error", function(payment, error)
  {alert(JSON.stringify(error)); });

On the api key I use my apikey and on the encriptionkey I used my shared key


Regular Visitor

Re: Visa Check Out error 423

Community Moderator

Re: Visa Check Out error 423

Hello @moralesgersonpa,


Visa Checkout team does not accept direct merchant. You will need to work with a partner in order to integrate Visa Checkout into your project.  


You can find the list of Partners here: Partners to integrate with Visa Checkout: 


Please note, partners handle integrations on their end and will be able to help you with any technical questions you have, due to the fact that, that they manage a different integration with our API and the Visa Developer Portal. 


Thank you, 


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