Hi, I am trying to create a simple app using sample code provided on the developer website, that is able to enroll C/Hs for merchant offers. Before that, I got to know that I should onboard the merchants first (reading from the community discussion). However, when I try to use the Merchant API to onboard merchant, i got the below error. Can you please tell me what had happened?
---------------------error message below--------------------------------------
b'{"errorResponse":{"details":{"message":"Error in processing request, Please Contact Visa Inc."},"status":404}}'
Hi Zhicong,
Can you send over the inputs from your request?
I will look into this for you.
Hi Ricardo,
What inputs are you referring to? The merchant details?
I am using the exact piece of code provided in the sample on the developer website. See below for your reference.
-----------Python code below:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import requests
url = "https://sandbox.api.visa.com/vop/merchant/v1/onboard"
cert = "C:/Users/zhpan/Desktop/Visa_Developer/MrchRecom/cert.pem"
key = "C:/Users/zhpan/Desktop/Visa_Developer/MrchRecom/key_0b5af723-2e56-464d-a9ab-3a43eee8191d.pem"
user_id = "1AUQL3TANJIWH3JMYUB72153HzGThdHUx_SK0Vb91AVXgei3M"
password = "71PwFrYThtJ132BZ3fxWAV3VE3"
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json','Authorization': {user_id: password}}
body = {
"onboardMerchantDetails": [
"visaMerchantName": "Try JUICE",
"visaMerchantId": "54893549"
"communityCode": "SANDBOX"
r = requests.post(url,
cert = (cert,key),
headers = headers,
auth = (user_id, password),
data = body)
print ('status:')
print (r.status_code)
print ('content:')
print (r.content)
Hi there,
Try and use the visamerchant name as per the test data in Portal , a sample valid payload would be
body = {
"onboardMerchantDetails": [
"visaMerchantName": "JAMBA JUICE",
"visaMerchantId": " 54893534"
"communityCode": "SANDBOX"
Let me know how that goes.