get valid input parameter


get valid input parameter


I want to call Enroll PAN service and I use sample request body that mentioned in its doecument,

// Body
  "clientAppID": "98765432",
  "clientWalletAccountID": "FAmwn",
  "consumerEntryMode": "KEYENTERED",
  "encPaymentInstrument": "ew0KICAiYWxnIiA6ICJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLA0KICAiaXYiIDogIm9jV1J1am5MVURkM0RMYjIiLA0KICAidGFnIiA6ICJZTndlajNFLXlkWVBVMHZpUkZGVkNRIiwNCiAgImVuYyIgOiAiQTI1NkdDTSIsDQogICJ0eXAiIDogIkpPU0UiLA0KICAia2lkIiA6ICJJV00xM0Y1NzFOWUNMV0I0QjBVNjExM3A4c2Y5SmVHenI2XzJoYUM5RjltX0FOdExNIiwNCiAgImNoYW5uZWxTZWN1cml0eUNvbnRleHQiIDogbnVsbCwNCiAgImlhdCIgOiBudWxsLA0KICAiY3R5IiA6IG51bGwsDQogICJqdGkiIDogbnVsbA0KfQ.mDaNp3UaTBamM3Os8csqBZHK_TFdJeGcwB7EAm8iFJ0.3p3k8KwdoNVRIXlh.T_Ywtb1a9MeRE1yBUa3PTWZQTerPwRoozz-MB56wCtWZxeqNbUm9chaNUZDrtWOWfaJBVVFl8EwFl4yaIYDfM1XHB5noNYxQTOlh3WbD3wYLyVFpoxtDA3x5sdEIeBnS6SIraIhPQD5a17AkGhj0PRaq2IIfrV9QgcPOY4ktiT0rqLnV0UBJpNIEwmwLIP2bFfn_hwKX1c0WXd2UIVCUlPCxQ88VNfObl91ykSRIBZ1v4G-qIV1oKEWYtinvcZO28gJta86AhTZy3-uTBaoDPXUUKFQz6y-D5CAi72TCfXXVUXl6ELpKpt328BoGPw.G7_Lf3wWgVVi-pj-ZY5-DQ",
  "locale": "en_US",
  "panSource": "MANUALLYENTERED"

but every time I got 9501 error("Invalid input found, please correct the input data")

response body:

    "responseStatus": {
        "code": "9501",
        "severity": "ERROR",
        "message": "Invalid input found, please correct the input data",
        "info": "",
        "status": "400"

How can I get valid input data.

thank you

Community Scholar

Re: get valid input parameter

Hi Farhad, 


Working on finding the issue here. Will get back to you very soon!



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Community Scholar

Re: get valid input parameter

Hi Farhad, 


You will get the below mentioned error if you are not sending the correct data.


If you are using your own Apikey and SS, then you should be using your own data like:


  • "clientAppID": "98765432" à We get this value from VTS Profile from DMPD site


  • Then to create “encPaymentInstrument” we need to generate the same using Encryption ApiKey, Encryption Shared Secret and CardNumber1 and then encrypt the same using JWTUtility.


Does this help?



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Re: get valid input parameter



I just develop with visa api

but theres error in response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><responseStatus><code>9501</code><message>Invalid input found, please correct the input data</message><severity>ERROR</severity><status>400</status></responseStatus>


how can i fix this?


thanks guys