I using CyberSource XMLClient and sending below request for getVisaCheckoutDataService but I get Internal Server Error 500 with Protocol Error.
The end point is Address = https://ics2wstesta.ic3.com/commerce/1.x/transactionProcessor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.85">
<getVisaCheckoutDataService run = "true"/>
Please help me in this regard. Thanks.
Best Regards
Balaji Mariappan
Hi @balajim,
Please submit this inquiry to developer@visa.com and someone will connect you to the Visa Checkout team for further assistance.
Hey @sjdhx,
I'm here to help! Can you please provide us with a description of the issue that you're experiencing?
Are you receiving a technical error calling the VCO API or are you receiving an error with the VDP portal or website? What technical error response are you receiving?