Re: "infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

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"infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

1) I downloaded visa native sample app,  opened it , and stated itScreen Shot 2019-07-16 at 11.42.48 AM.png


2.1 Configured data for sdk :

public class ConfigureVisaPaymentInfo {

public static Profile getProfile() {
return new Profile.ProfileBuilder
("HERE-MY-API-KEY", Environment.SANDBOX)

public static PurchaseInfo getPurchaseInfo() {
HashMap<String, String> customData = new HashMap<>();
customData.put("key", "value");
customData.put("key1", "value1");

return new PurchaseInfo.PurchaseInfoBuilder(new BigDecimal("10.23"), PurchaseInfo.Currency.USD)
CheckoutButton checkoutButton = mView.findViewById(;
checkoutButton.init(getActivity(), ConfigureVisaPaymentInfo.getProfile(),
new VisaCheckoutSdk.VisaCheckoutResultListener() {
public void onButtonClick(LaunchReadyHandler launchReadyHandler) {

public void onResult(VisaPaymentSummary visaPaymentSummary) {
if (VisaPaymentSummary.PAYMENT_SUCCESS.equalsIgnoreCase(
visaPaymentSummary.getStatusName())) {
Log.d(TAG, "Success");
} else if (VisaPaymentSummary.PAYMENT_CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(
visaPaymentSummary.getStatusName())) {
Log.d(TAG, "Canceled");
} else if (VisaPaymentSummary.PAYMENT_ERROR.equalsIgnoreCase(
visaPaymentSummary.getStatusName())) {
Log.d(TAG, "Error");
} else if (VisaPaymentSummary.PAYMENT_FAILURE.equalsIgnoreCase(
visaPaymentSummary.getStatusName())) {
Log.d(TAG, "Generic Unknown failure");


2.2 Launched app in emulator with Android OS 9.0

2.3 clicked visa checkout button in tab "VISA CHECKOUT BUTTON"

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 11.48.18 AM.png

3) I filled all required input field, card number got from with test data from ""

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 11.52.55 AM.png

4) At the end I got this screen, and clicked button "SIGN UP"

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 12.03.20 PM.png Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 12.05.57 PM.png 5) After msg "Good to go" visa checkout screen closed and go back

6) I clicked visa checkout button in tab "VISA CHECKOUT BUTTON" like in step 2.3 and good screen with infinity loop progress like in screen below, I were waiting about 10 minutes and nothing changes.

Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 12.10.38 PM.png

My question: Is a normal behaviour? Because I wanna use my already added card to visa sdk 



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

Hey @Vegas,


I'll take a look and get back to you soon!




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

Hey @Vegas,


It looks like you are trying to integrate with VCO on our native Android SDK app.


Question: Is a normal behaviour? Because I wanna use my already added card to visa sdk.


[Answer] This is not a normal behavior but it is a known bug with our latest sandbox release- 19.06.05. We have a new release scheduled for tonight (7/17) to address this issue. Please verify on the app again tomorrow.

Also, can you please confirm what Android SDK version number you are integrating with? Futhermore, since Visa Checkout is transitioning to Visa SRC, we have few functionalities being restricted as a part of this transition- one of which is not being able to see non-visa cards for some time in your Visa Checkout account. So, if you have added any cards other than visa to your VCO account, they won't be visible now and you even won't be able to add any new non-visa cards at this point. If you are interested, we can notify you in the future when the non-visa card functionality is available again.


Let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: "infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

Now it's working ok , I'm using v. 6.6.3.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "infinity loop progress" after added card with android sdk visacheckout sample

Hey @Vegas,


Thanks for letting us know that the issue is now resolved. Quick update - we released a new sandbox 19.07 version on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 which included all the updates for the mobile native app. Thanks for verifying again and confirming that you no longer have an issue. Have a good day!




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