Exemples of endpoint (with return error 405):
Output of them:
{"responseStatus": {"code": "9004", "severity": "ERROR", "info": "", "status": 405, "message": "Method Not Allowed"}, "valido": true}
Visa Merchant Offers Resource Center APIs is returning correctly.
I need help!
Please use the respective API URLs in proper rest client like PostMan or SoapUI with proper request header, which includes mutual SSL authentication, request payload among other. For more details, please refer to the getting stared guide in VDP and the API specification for each individual API by going to your projects in your dashboard.
Thank you,
Hello I've done this as far as 5 VMORC apis are working, along with an initial api from the beginner's guide.
I am using all the credentials and headers / body. Error 404 was not mapped as possible to return from these.
Please, help me? I believe the problem that the project has not yet permissioned to the apis (request from the beginning).
Can you please share the error message you have received. Also, please send us the screenshot, endpoint, request payload and response.
In your sandbox environment, please check if your APIs show green. If not, I recommend you to refresh the status of the API couple of times until it turns green. On the other hand, you can also delete the API and re-add them.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,