Hi, I am trying to usede “Digital Card and Account Services” but I need pan number to test, I am using the one grom the api reference but I am receiving this error, where do I get the pan number for testing?
Here is my python code
user_id = 'WXQ7YB73Z44N1SWO5J912168-HImYxZfh0y3GtMHoDIeFEQuo'
password = 'ViC09RFXp9S0'
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept':'application/json'}
#body='''{ "cardIdModel": [{"pan": "4883836336860016","lookUpBalances": true}]
body ={"cardIdModel":{"pan": "4883836336860016","lookUpBalances": "true"}}
base_uri = 'vmorc/offers/'
resource_path = 'v1/all/'
urlAnterior = 'https://sandbox.api.visa.com/' + base_uri + resource_path
url ="https://sandbox.api.visa.com/dcas/cardservices/v1/cards"
r = requests.post(url,
cert = ('/home/labop/Documents/virtualEnv/visaUno/visaAmbiente/app/cert.pem','/home/labop/Documents/virtualEnv/visaUno/visaAmbiente/app/key_58f6245f-d3d8-4268-90e7-c18dcfe70e53.pem'),
headers = headers,
data= body,
auth = (user_id, password))
return r.content
this is the error I am getting
{"responseStatus":{"code":"9501","severity":"ERROR","message":"Invalid input found, please correct the input data","info":"","status":"400"}}
Thanks for helping the Visa Developer Community every time you post questions and solutions to this forum! Please use the data provided in the Test Data tables accessible on the left panel for the specific API that you are looking for test data on.
Thank you,