Dear support,
I am testing an authorization request with VDP playground tool using SSL two way authentication at the endpoints:, but I have the following error :
{"responseStatus": {
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "9125",
"message": "Expected input credential was not present",
"status": 400,
"info": ""
I have successfuly generated the private key when I've started the new project and download the project certificate from my credentials, please see attached files for further details. Could you please let me know what's causing this error?
For Information, I have successfuly tested the "hello world sample" using the same credentials without any issue. Please see the server response below:
"message": "helloworld",
"timestamp": "2022-06-26T10:55:31"
Thank you for your help,
Solved! Go to Solution
Thank you for reaching out, @jowilfrid ! An agent is looking for a solution for you and will get back with you shortly! If any community members know a solution, please feel free to respond in this thread. - Cathy
Hi @jowilfrid,
I ran a sandbox test today and received a successful request/response payload. Below is my sample request/response payload that is successful. Please try your test again and share your result with us. Also, when you try your test again, please make sure to enable MLE.
End Point
Method POST
"acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {
"panExpDt": "2019-12",
"pan": "4761739001010135"
"cardAcceptr": {"clientId": "1DLMLAPPKDJ04301701"},
"freeFormDescrptnData": "Freeformdata",
"msgIdentfctn": {
"correlatnId": "auditest20180925_016",
"origId": "468352863713348"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"verfctnData": {"billngAddr": {
"postlCd": "12345",
"addrLn": "PO Box 12345"
"transctn": {
"partialAuthInd": "true",
"eComData": {
"eciCd": "5",
"digitalGoods": "true",
"xid": "EEC4567F90123A5678B0123EA67890D2345678FF"
"localDtTm": "2019-02-27T19:41:43",
"posData": {
"envrnmnt": "eCom",
"panEntryMode": "OnFile",
"panSrce": "VCIND"
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "51.29",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"tranDesc": "Transactiondescription"
"verfctnReslts": {"avsReslt": "U"},
"acctInfo": {"primryAcctNum": {"panLast4": "0135"}},
"freeFormDescrptnData": " Freeformdata",
"transctnReslts": {
"tranReslt": "Declined",
"actionCd": "15"
"msgTransprtData": "TransportData",
"settlmntData": {"reconDt": "--07-02"},
"transctn": {
"eComData": {"eciCd": "5"},
"tranAmt": {
"amt": "51.29",
"numCurrCd": "840"
"aciCd": "N"
Response Header
Status Code: 402 Payment Required
Server : nginx
Date : Fri, 01 Jul 2022 20:55:06 GMT
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length : 991
Connection : keep-alive
X-SERVED-BY : -59647d7b68-458
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encrypted : true
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Expires : -1
Hi @jowilfrid,
Is the error fixed? If so, please let me know so that I can take you off my contact list.
Hi @DianaVisaPM,
I will follow your recommendation and keep you posted once I did the test.
Thank you for your support.
Hi @jowilfrid,
How are things? Is the error fixed?
Hi @jowilfrid,
I haven't received a reply from you so I'll take you off my contact list. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the developer community if you need further assistance.
Dear support,
This issue is not yet resolved. During my fisrt tests, the MLE was missing. After your answer, I have added the MLE credentials as you can see below:
Now I have the following error:
{"errorResponse": {
"details": {"message": "Error in processing request, Please Contact Visa Inc."},
"status": "404 NOT_FOUND"
Header response:
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Server : nginx
Date : Fri, 05 Aug 2022 07:39:13 GMT
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length : 689
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X-SERVED-BY : -56467c7k4
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Expires : 0 ,-1
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Content-Language : en-US
X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection : 0
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains
Could you please let me know what's wrong?
Can we have a quick call on this issue, please?