Re: Error: VOP: Enroll API : Please Correct the request payload.


Error: VOP: Enroll API : Please Correct the request payload.

I am trying to enrol customer but getting error:






            "nameOnCard":"Krishna Dhungana",




"{\"correlationId\":\"b2da65b5-ca12-40b8-a734-e6b98144ace8\",\"responseDateTime\":\"Tue Sep 25 03:30:13 GMT 2018\",\"responseStatus\":{\"code\":\"FAILED\",\"message\":\"Request Failed\",\"responseStatusDetails\":[{\"code\":\"400.\",\"message\":\"Please correct the request payload.\"}]}}"





Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Error: VOP: Enroll API : Please Correct the request payload.

Hi @Kdhungana,


This error could be due to a variety of reasons. Please check for the following:


  • Whitespace issues, in general, anywhere in the url.
  • Ideally the following fields need to be checked for correctness:
    •  URL
    •  Query params


  • The API endpoint you are trying to use only supports Two-Way SSL authentication. Please ensure you are not using any other token type. Make sure you are using the credentials that are assigned to your Visa Offers Platform project (refer to screenshot below).

Credentials Two-Way SSL User ID Password.png


Also, when you create a test App in our sandbox you will receive test data in your App (refer to screenshots below). The test data for your Visa Developer application is available in the Dashboard under test data in the left navigation, this will ensure that you are using valid data that has been provisioned for specific scenarios.  Sandbox data is limited to what is provided in the Test Data tables and is not integrated to the Visa Network and you cannot test real data in sandbox. 


Test Data.png


20180926 VOP Test Data Enroll user.png


If the error persists, please provide the following information:

1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.




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