I am integrating a new ecommerce application with Visa Checkout. I keep getting 403 error when the application sends a payment infomation update request to the Visa Checkout sandbox. The Visa Checkout Integration Guide stats 403 error is missing or invalid x-pay-token. But I did follow the guide to calculate and send the x-pay-token.
The integration guide say the x-pay-token is SHA256_hash of share secrated, time stamp, resource path(API name), etc. My question is for resource path, is it payment/info/{callId}? Do I need to replace the callId with the actually callId for the current transaction?
Solved! Go to Solution
Hi @ricz,
I have received your email that you sent to developer@visa.com and I have connected you to the Visa Checkout team. If you have other Visa Checkout questions, please send an email to the VCO team.
Hello @ricz,
Thank you for your inquiry. To further investigate, please provide the following information:
1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.
Oncec you have the information above, please forward the response for above questions at Developer@visa.com.
Thank you,