Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Regular Visitor

invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

 Hello my friends, 

I'm developing an app with obj-c. Nevertheless, it crashess at 


I'm using the example as guide and cannot find what could be wrong.

Console only shows  

This item is already saved, cannot duplicate it
This item is already saved, cannot duplicate it


I don't know what else I could bring to you to help you to help me 

I have spent two days over here and any help will be appreciated 🙂



Community Scholar

Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Hi Oscar, 

Sorry to hear that - can you send your full code? I'll pass it along to the right team to see what's up.


Thank you,


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Regular Visitor

Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Thank you for the answer Ricardo!

That class is very large! But I can resume it with the Visa implementation.

ViewController.h ->

ViewController.m ->



Community Scholar

Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Checking up on this!

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Regular Visitor

Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Thank you RIcardo,

We got this:

Visa framework have compatibility issues with Google Analytics y CardIO framework.

Sadly, those are main features of the app that we cannot remove.

Do you know if there is anything we can do about it?



Community Scholar

Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

Hi there, 


The Visa Checkout team is working on fixing this issue - I will connect you with them directly. 


Thank you,


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Re: invokeVisaCheckout crashes app

it was working smooth on my iPad Pro when it was running on ios 10 however as I have updated to ios 11.3 whenever now I am opening the app it only loads a blank screen on the start up and crashes after a while automatically. How do I fix it?