Re: Regarding Supplier Matching Service

Regular Visitor

Regarding Supplier Matching Service

Hello, I have a few questions regarding the Supplier Matching Bulk API service. I am currently a developer testing the use of the API with the help of Visa Developers Playground.

  1. What is the pricing, with regards to the actual API (ready for industrial use)
  2. How long would the response time be, say for a value of 10,000 records?
  3. What are the advantages of using Bulk API for a large dataset, instead of the regular Supplier Matching Service API (any disadvantages would be helpful too)

Thank you, in advance.

Community Moderator

Re: Regarding Supplier Matching Service

Thank you for reaching out, @LaveshNK! An agent will get back to you with more information as soon as possible. If anyone else has any ideas that you feel may help, please share them here. -Jenn

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Regarding Supplier Matching Service

Hi @LaveshNK,


For pricing, please send an email to and let them know that you are submitting a pricing request for the Visa Supplier Matching Service (SMS) API. The developer support team will reply back with a KYC questionnaire that you'll have to fill out and submit back to them so that they can work on a pricing quote for you. 


Regarding your two other questions, I've asked the product team to advise on it so I'll get back to you soon. 



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