How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired

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How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired

Hi, i have a project in production status, it has been live for sometimes. Now i want to introduce new features, but the sandbox and cert certificate & key have both expire. I have no idea how to generate these key/certificate. checking on the project credential for this project i cant find anywhere with option generate certificate/keys for previous stages.



Community Moderator

Re: How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired for live project

Hello @developers


If you your Sandbox certificate has expired, please follow the steps below to renew SBX & CERT certificate:


Login to project dashboard for which SBX & CERT certificate has expired

To renew Certificate for SBX environment, click on credentials under Sandbox tab















Click "+ Get New Certificate", Select "Generate a CSR for me (default)" or "Submit my own CSR" & click "Create New CSR"


SBX Get New Cert.PNGSBX Create a new CSR.PNG
























Make sure to "Download/Copy Certificate Private Key", "Confirm" and continue


















Now, SBX cert will be issued


SBX new CERT.png

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Re: How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired for live project

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Community Moderator

Re: How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired for live project

Hello @developers


Below are the steps to follow to review certificate for certification environment. 


Go to project dashboard for which certification certificate is expired or expiring, click on certificate tab and then credentials section:


CERT credentials.png


Request OTP, receive OTP in your inbox:


CERT save password.png


After you enter OTP, you will see the option to request new certificate. Select "Get New Certificate" or "Resume Request" 

Here you can either re-use your current information to submit CSR or submit a new CSR



CERT CSR Steps.png


Enter phone number of the user who will be received the credentials. 


Phone Number.png


After you submit certification certificate request, VDP team will review your request and update accordingly. 


Below is the status you will see when you submit CSR file for review


CERT new CSR.png


Thank you, 


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Re: How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired for live project

Thanks all for the detailed answers. i was able to resolve my problem

Re: How to generate new Cert/Sandbox certificate after existing one expired