Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

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client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

I am implementing payment processing and accepting all card types like Visa, mastercard, discover, amex including HSA/FSA cards.

On UI side I have to validate if user input card is Valid like Visa starts with 4 and length 16,  amex starts with 34, 37   etc and also check with Luhn algo.


But for HSA/FSA card type I do not have any information what rule to apply and validate on UI side.

Purpose is to identify if user input card number is HSA/FSA(valid) and show image icon next to input box.


Please help me with the validation rule/logic to apply.

Community Moderator

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

Hello @geetandroid


Are you pre-approved by your acquirer and Visa in order to Visa Payment Processing? 


The Visa Payments Processing APIs enable Visa clients, such as acquirers, acquirer processors, approved merchants and payment facilitators to process card-not-present payments through a direct interface to Visa’s global payment system. The VPP APIs supports a simplified processing model with a lightweight interface and doesn’t require clients to submit clearing batches. The VPP APIs deliver all the information needed to authorize and clear transactions reducing the risk and uncertainty related to delays of batch clearing. 


Thank you, 


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Regular Visitor

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

Hi Vaibhav, thank you for the quick and valuable response.
To your question- we as a app developer are not pre-approved by your acquirer and Visa in order to Visa Payment Processing.
We are using 3rd party payment processing API from zirmed so from the app we are collecting data and sending to Zirmed and zirmed is processing further and returning response to us on client.
Now again coming back to my original question- what is the coding local client side/UI validation to identify if user input card number is of type HSA/FSA? I feel I need to know about Bin-range and card length details for this? Please help me with this information as I am not getting this online anywhere. Thank you.
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

Hey @geetandroid,


My apologies for the delayed response as I was out of office. I'm currently reviewing your question and someone will get back to you on this. 




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Regular Visitor

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

Thank you for your attention and reply. I really need this information as I am very close to my production release and still, I don't have this logic implemented into the code. Please help me with the priority.

Community Scholar

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

HI @geetandroid  - I will personally work on escalating this issue and get you a response today. Here is my direct email should you need to reach me with any additional questions - 


Thank you for your patience. 

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Community Scholar

Re: client/UI validation rule/logic for HSA/FSA card type

Hi @geetandroid - if you are doing clearing then you will need to use the ARDEF table. If you need it for routing purposes then you will need to use the routing table (service ind). 


Let me know if this helps, if not I'll work with you on any questions. You have my email as well. 


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